It is not an easy task to clean an area rug, especially, when you have not done it for a long time. Well, it is necessary to keep your rug stains and dust free because dirt particles, spills and stains can gather in your rug and can cause different types of skin diseases and respiratory allergies. These dirty spots and micro-organisms can spoil your rug and makes it to look dull.
The handmade or modern rugs are easy to clean as compare to traditional and antique rugs. These handmade rugs are woven in natural fibers or we can say that high quality material is used which is easy for cleaning purpose because it does not trap dust easily. One can vacuum the rugs regularly or can use long hair broom for scrubbing the rug.
In this article, we are going to tell you how to keep your “Modern Rug“ stains free and make it look like brand new.
Vacuum the rug: One of the biggest committed by people is that they start wet cleaning process without vacuuming the area rug as it is required to eliminate excess debris and further ensures the easy cleaning. To make the wet cleaning easier, one just need a regular dry vacuum cleaner, however if you don’t have that, you can also use a traditional broom.
Choose the right cleaning products: It is crucial to pick the right cleaning products to clean all the stains, dirt particles and micro-organisms trapped in your rugs. Generally, there are two options- either you can use that are specially customized for rugs or you can prepare DIY homemade cleaning products.
If you own expensive or “Antique Rugs“ and you are afraid to ruin it then you can hire professional cleaning products which are highly recommended as well as test the product on the side of rug before cleaning it. On contrary, one can also use hot water with liquid soap as it is more economical, especially when you have modern rugs to clean.
Use shaving cream for spots: Sometimes rugs are encountered with wine or alcohol spots which cannot be cleaned easily. In that situation, one can use shaving cream to remove the alcohol spots quickly and effectively without damaging your décor item. To do so, apply a shaving cream on the spots with soft brush and let it stay it there to do some magic for few minutes. After that clean you’re your rug with use of water.
Removal of grease: Removing the grease stains are always difficult than any other stain but you can remove them from the rug by sprinkling corn flour and cover it with a piece of brown paper. Press it against the spots and let it there for 15 minutes, you will see the grease get transferred to the brown paper and your “Handmade Rug“ will look as good as new.
Therefore, with all these aforementioned tips, you can easily remove the stubborn stains from your modern rug and make it look like new and elegant.
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