A carpet quickly transforms the interior and feel of your personal spaces by adding warmth, definition and color. However, there is a wide range of “Carpets and Rugs“ available in the market but it seems to be daunting task to choose between contemporary or antique, modern or woolen carpet. Generally, the carpets should be of […]
> View articleCarpet Washing In Thailand Carpet washing in Thailand is very important as far as human health is concerned. But unfortunately, people give less attention to it, and as a result, various respiratory disorders make them suffer. Dirt from deep fibres mix with the air and enter into the respiratory tracts of people causing them many […]
> View articleThai Carpets To add to the natural beauty of homely ambience, carpet in Thailand has long been identified by the pleasure seekers! From China, India, Indonesia and indeed, Thailand to eastern Europe and ultimately the materialist united states of mid nineteenth century, carpets have been attracting the eyes of interior decorators. From household purpose to […]
> View articleThe Art of carpet making straight from the families of handmade carpets Carpet weaving is the most popular and ancient from of Turkmen art. Earlier each woman learnt this traditional art right from their young age. The beauty and longevity of handmade Turkmenistan carpets actually come from the tradition of carpet weaving that is being […]
> View articleA smart move to choose the elegant carpet If you are shopping around for a new carpet, it is always better to do a little bit of research to know the different types of carpets available in the market and the one that suits you the best. Buying a new carpet is a considerable investment […]
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