The Art of carpet making straight from the families of handmade carpets
The Art of carpet making straight from the families of handmade carpets
Carpet weaving is the most popular and ancient from of Turkmen art. Earlier each woman learnt this traditional art right from their young age. The beauty and longevity of handmade Turkmenistan carpets actually come from the tradition of carpet weaving that is being carried forward since ages. Now it has reached its expressiveness, perfection and artistic approach all over the world.
The craft has gelled with many centuries and maintained the tradition really well. Pile carpet weaving is not an easy process and with skills and artistic talent learnt from ancient tradition the weavers make it possible. They come up with varied patterns of handmade Turkmenistan carpets, which is also their only source of income.Carpet weaver posses the art of elegance and beauty
Carpet weaver creates a wide range of designs through their memory and unbelievable imaginations by interpreting new ideas into their craft. Thus their creativity results in creation of beautiful and elegant carpets that become masterpiece.The carpet designs created by the carpet weaver reflect realistic ideas like habits of people in Turkmen, nature and life of people in Turkmen. You can see the emotions and ideas of craftsmen depicted in handmade Turkmenistan carpets designs. They describe their grief, hopes, joy, dreams and feelings etc in their carpet designs. You will also get to see other emotions like courage, heroism and patriotism towards their motherland in the carpet designs they weave.If you observe the carpet designs carefully, you will find the traces of history of Turkmen tribe, nature, region and people. Similar gels of ancient tribes can be seen in modern Turkmen carpets as well. The yarn used in producing these rugs is extracted from Sarajin sheep’s wool. This wool meets the world standards as it easily absorbs cold, heat, dyes and different perfumes that exists in environment.The yarn was dyed using vegetable dye as per the traditions. Earlier natural dyes were used which has been now replaced with synthetic dyes. The main color used by Turkmen is red and shades of brown and dark cherry.
Stylish and elegant handmade carpets from Pakistan make a difference
When we talk about handmade Pakistan carpets it started same way as it originated in India. Nowadays carpets in Pakistan are manufactured using Australian wool yarn, which makes it look like a silk carpet. The carpets with a higher thickness offer durability at an affordable price too.
The handmade Pakistan carpets are made using wool and imported to different places across the world. The Mori carpets are made using a single twist and weft made of cotton. The main color used in these carpets is red, but other colours are also used to add lustre to the carpets.These carpets are sold with different names like Karachi, Hyderabad, Bahawalpur, Multan etc., craftsmen use natural dyes extracted from plants and also made using hand spun wool and they use the same procedures and materials that have been used since ancient times.To give the antique look lastly, the carpet is treated using rocks. Stonewashing process actually means washing carpet using stones to rinse off the pile. Later the carpets are kept in sun to bleach them and then an elegant and durable carpet is manufactured.A well made carpet actually lasts for generations. It becomes beautiful with years. This happens when the materials chosen to manufacture the carpet is combined with the perfect craftsmanship. Craftsmen in Pakistan know their job well and succeed to manufacture durable and elegant carpets exported in different parts of the world.A well-made carpet that lasts longer
As time passes by the colour ages and gets its charm. Even the best of carpets made worn out with time. This means many carpets vanish from the market excluding the ones that are truly long lasting and elegant. So, select a carpet that is durable and can be used for years together. It is important to choose the right carpet to get value for the money. Unique and durable are available in wide variety that lasts for years as they are made from perfect blend of art and materials. You may end up spending a little more but then you are getting a carpet that will be with you for years.
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