Carpets and rugs cover wide range of styles from classical to contemporary and these antique pieces of wool makes a beautiful addition to your home with many other benefits as well. Wool is a natural resource, fairly durable and stain repellent as its fibers contain lanolin which repels dust and mites growth giving your family […]
> View articleCarpet Washing In Thailand Carpet washing in Thailand is very important as far as human health is concerned. But unfortunately, people give less attention to it, and as a result, various respiratory disorders make them suffer. Dirt from deep fibres mix with the air and enter into the respiratory tracts of people causing them many […]
> View articleThai Carpets To add to the natural beauty of homely ambience, carpet in Thailand has long been identified by the pleasure seekers! From China, India, Indonesia and indeed, Thailand to eastern Europe and ultimately the materialist united states of mid nineteenth century, carpets have been attracting the eyes of interior decorators. From household purpose to […]
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