When you are planning an amazing decor in your home interior, you surely think of adding a beautiful rug to your space. However, we all love to see the designer rugs laid out in our seating space but due to the hazards posed by dust and stains, it is a daunting task to maintain them. […]
Carpet Washing In Thailand Carpet washing in Thailand is very important as far as human health is concerned. But unfortunately, people give less attention to it, and as a result, various respiratory disorders make them suffer. Dirt from deep fibres mix with the air and enter into the respiratory tracts of people causing them many […]
The Turkmenistan carpets remind of the history of the carpets that is related to the handmade carpets. Turkmenistan is famous for its carpets that are regarded as the oldest and purest carpet traditions of Central Asia. The handmade Turkmenistan carpet in Thailand is designed with colorful geometric floral designs that are famous for its fine […]
Flooring in your home could not be a bottom line thing as it is a foundation of beautiful house which will fix the rest of things itself. Carpets and rugs are an amazing decor items as they have innumerable benefits as compares to other flooring options. In this article, we will discuss some important reasons […]
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