Carpet Washing Service carpet washing Buying carpets needs a substantial investment in the beginning but later it also needs proper maintenance from time to time. You simply can’t ignore the maintenance of your carpets at home, office, hotel etc., Carpets do add décor to your space but in turn need through washing and cleaning in […]
We all must be knowing that there are several factors on which we have a look at before buying a particular thing for ourselves. It does not matter it’s a car for yourself, home, smartphone, or any such thing. It is a mandatory thing that we should have a look at various factors before buying […]
Everyone is certain about the sustainability but how much it means when it comes to carpets and rugs? In recent times, there is a growing trend in making sustainable carpets which are weaved for the circular economy. However, what you know about eco-friendly carpet materials, do you think wool is a sustainable material or where […]
How to Protect your Rug from Moths Are you noticing any small bald patches on your carpet? If no, consider yourself lucky, but if the answer is yes, then beware, as the carpet moths have invaded your home. Saving your precious carpet from the danger of moth infestation shall top the priority list, as these […]
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