Carpet Washing In Thailand Carpet washing in Thailand is very important as far as human health is concerned. But unfortunately, people give less attention to it, and as a result, various respiratory disorders make them suffer. Dirt from deep fibres mix with the air and enter into the respiratory tracts of people causing them many […]
One of the most compelling individuals to present day floor coverings and mats is William Morris. He looked at cover as a work of art as opposed to only a story covering. His advocation of the all out show-stopper recharged enthusiasm for customary craftsmanship. This Arts and Crafts development got known all through Europe, and […]
Unique ways to brighten up your home décor with Handmade Rugs When you think of adding ethnicity to your home décor, you think of using ethnic furniture, furnishings and rugs, especially handmade rugs. For last few years people are adopting the ethnic style to decorate their homes. With the popularity and demand of tribal art […]
A natural homely environment can be developed from the beautiful handmade village carpet in Bangkok Thailand which helps to identify the beautiful natural beauty from the surrounding. Since the mid-nineteenth century, many interior decorators got attracted to the bunch of carpets. With the increasing demands of homemade village carpet in Bangkok Thailand, it is becoming […]