With the change in the time, there are several changes that you would be able to notice in industrial carpets such as Wilton Carpets. From their overall designs to the installation process, we would be able to see changes in almost every sector easily. But these changes are those things about which not many people […]
A color selection can be a daunting task while choose a new rug or carpet for your home. One can brighten up his/her home by adding too many colors but sometime it gives a clutter feel whereas not enough variation lead to a boring and stark space. Here in this article, we have mentioned some […]
It takes a lot of thoughts and considerations in choosing the right rug who has bought a rug. Some of the common things that need to be considered are size and shape of the room, its purpose and surrounding decor and many more. However, you have some other considerations while choosing a rug for an […]
A carpet quickly transforms the interior and feel of your personal spaces by adding warmth, definition and color. However, there is a wide range of “Carpets and Rugs“ available in the market but it seems to be daunting task to choose between contemporary or antique, modern or woolen carpet. Generally, the carpets should be of […]