Printed Carpets – All You Need to Know Think of a carpet and a variety of vibrant colors and designs pop up in your mind. With the advancement in modern technology, we have plenty of carpet designs, colors, pattern versatility, and vast carpet flooring choices. Printed carpets give a sense of creative independence. Carpet design […]
One of the most compelling individuals to present day floor coverings and mats is William Morris. He looked at cover as a work of art as opposed to only a story covering. His advocation of the all out show-stopper recharged enthusiasm for customary craftsmanship. This Arts and Crafts development got known all through Europe, and […]
When you decide to buy a new rug for your home décor, it is necessary to consider how your rug will look, feel and how durable it is. These all things depend upon the type of fibers that are used to weave an “Antique Rug“. In this blog post, we have mentioned some of the […]
Being at home has inspired so many people to change their personal spaces that focus on style and health. One must be surprised to know that carpeting your space supports both these goals as well as offers endless comfort. “Carpets and Rugs“ are the most popular flooring option according to survey done by renowned Carpet […]
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