Choose carpet washing and cleaning services wisely
This article is written by www.carpetthailand.com. While writing this article, Carpetthailand has kept the service providers of carpet washing and cleaning of the region Bangkok, Thailand in perspective.It’s a general and accepted statement from carpet manufacturers, “use hot water and good quality detergents to clean the carpets properly”. Does this statement suffice the purpose rightly? According to me, “a big and fully convinced no”. Carpet needs some extra cautiousness when it comes to cleaning and washing of carpets. The first and the foremost thing I say, “do not try washing at home whatever it may come”. Reasons for me say this is based on a very elementary point, “carpet washing and cleaning comes with experience”. You just can’t put hot water and quality detergent/soap solution on the carpet to rinse clean it and believe that your carpet has been washed. Home cleaning may let the colours of a carpet bleed, or worse, it may leave behind a soap residue (high-pressure water is required) which would smell later someday. Not only this, inappropriate temperatures of water may damage the carpet completely or it may reduce its life. Furthermore, you might be able to remove the surface dirt but deep cleaning requires removing allergens, greasy and dust which cannot be achieved with the self-learnt methods. When it comes to hiring professional cleaners, make use of the following statements
Don’t rely on what pricing gets proposed on the phone for carpet washing:
Those who have been in professional cleaning and washing of carpets have a huge list of testimonials to back their credential up. Ask the carpet cleaner to do your home inspection and get the estimates either on carpet area or its precious part. The precious part of carpet is important as you don’t want to leave your expensive piece in hands of someone who doesn’t know the difference between regular and special things.
Do fall for cheap bargains and unbelievable discount offers on carpet washing:
Sometimes we come across adverts that are hard to resist when you look at the discounts offered in them. The companies who throw these ads typically make margins on the volumes of carpet washing business. Which means a quick washing of your carpet something like within 30 minutes. Whereas, you would like to give your dear carpet a pamper wash. With these quick carpet washing offers, you get what you pay for. The professional cleaners charge according to the type of carpet attributes like what thread it is made of, what type of knotting and weaving have been used, what colours are stable in the design pattern and do they need to take care of the frills if attached any. Professional services typically include their unique methods of carpet washing like using homemade washing liquids (made of herbal things and usually referred as herbal washing and cleaning) that not only clean the carpets but also give a beautiful aroma to the carpets and rugs that last for few months. The entire process of cleaning last for few days that includes cleaning, washing, drying and other homemade treatments. Though these services are expensive, so are your carpets.
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